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Join Us
New or renewing members can now join as volunteer members, non-volunteer members, or lending members!
All members can borrow toys from our extensive lending collection during lending hours.
Our primary membership is our Volunteer membership. We strongly encourage everyone to consider joining us as a Volunteer member, as volunteers are what powers the PTLL. Volunteer members are needed to staff our public play sessions.
Volunteer Membership Perks:
-Borrow up to 4 toys for up to 4 weeks at a time from our lending library of hundreds of toys
-No late fees for returning toys to our lending library
-Free entry to our playspace during public play sessions
-Free entry to our playspace during members-only play sessions, including exclusive access during volunteer-member-only hours
-Bring your children for your volunteer shift and your children are your first priority
-One guest for free during your volunteer shift
-Free access to our snack cabinet during your volunteer shift
-Access to the earliest opportunities to book birthday parties (6 months in advance!)
-50% discount on party bookings
Volunteer Membership Responsibilities:
-Volunteer memberships are currently $50 for one year. Less than $5/month!
-We also offer a pay-what-you-can option for volunteer memberships for any family experiencing hardship. Money should not be a barrier to a volunteer membership. Enjoy a volunteer membership for any amount between $5 and $49 (volunteer requirement still applies).
-Volunteer members must attend a training session to prepare for volunteer responsibilities and are expected to complete at least one 2-hour volunteer shift per month.
Other Membership Options:
If you do not want/need access to the play space, we offer a lending-only membership. Lending members are not required to volunteer, but this membership does not include playing in the space. Lending memberships are currently $75 for one year.
If you would like to have access to the play space but are unable to commit to volunteering 2 hours per month, we offer a Non-Volunteer membership. There is no volunteer requirement for this membership type. Non-Volunteer memberships are currently $150 for one year.
*Our Primary Membership Option*
Borrow up to 4 toys at a time
for up to 4 weeks!
Includes in-person play options!
Exclusive access to our playspace from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the weekdays.
Requires volunteer commitment: at least one 2-hour shift/month.
All questions and concerns about membership may be directed to the Membership Coordinator by emailing membership@pghtoys.org.