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Child, back to camera, looking at large foam letters at PTLL event table
Child kneeling, outdoors, playing with extra-large plastic building bricks
Child, outside, smiling at camera while holding a large foam R at our event table


In normal times, we host and attend numerous in-person events throughout the year. We miss these events and will return to them at whatever point it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we are hoping to plan some virtual events (please get in touch by sending an email to if you have any ideas or interest in helping).


Typically, we have attended outreach events for various occasions and in various locations. These events allow us to introduce the PTLL to families who don't know about us and to be part of our Pittsburgh community. We usually bring along some fun toys, distribute information about the PTLL, and have a fantastic time meeting new families. In recent years, you may have seen us at the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative's Ultimate Play Day, the Carnegie Library's Summer Reading Extravaganza, or Point Breeze's Light Up Night.


In our own space, we host events that provide fun and enrichment for young children and their families. In recent years, we've hosted Trying Together and A+ Schools for their Next Steps event, which provides parents/guardians with important information about pre-K and kindergarten readiness and the enrollment process for local schools. We've also hosted Scott and Rosanna for a wonderful concert.


It's always extra fun when our members are able to help out with events! If you're interested in doing so, please get in touch!







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