Toy Lending
Our weekly lending hours coincide with public play hours on Tuesday and Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, and Thursday from 4 PM to 7PM
Not a member yet? Join us! We offer volunteer memberships for just $50 for one year, patron memberships for $150 for one year, or lending memberships for just $30 for one year.
How It Works
Choose your Toys
First, decide on the toys that your family would like to borrow. Our online catalog allows you and your children to search for lots of options and decide what you'd like to borrow this time! Alternatively, stop in to the toy library during lending hours and browse the lending shelves!
How It Works
check out your Toys
A Volunteer on Duty (VOD) during lending hours can help you find the toys you'd like to borrow and check them out for you. You can make a note of the due date, and you can also find that information in your account.
How It Works
Enjoy your toys
We hope your kids have a blast with their borrowed toys! And if they're not such big fans -- no worries! Just return them early and swap for new ones!
And if you're so inclined, snap a few pics of the fun to share with us on Facebook!
How It Works
return your toys
Bring your toys back by their due date (which you can check with our online catalog). A nominal fee will be charged for late returns.
Be sure to reserve new toys & pick them up when you return the old ones!
How It Works
If you have any questions about the lending process or toys in the lending collection, please reach out to